Japanese / English
Associate Professor of The Tohoku University Museum
The Center for Academic Resources and Archives
Doctor of Science, Tohoku University
Phone: +81-22-795-6652
Address: 6-3 Aoba, Sendai 980-8578, Japan
e-mail: nagase(at)m.tohoku.ac.jp
Texture of Minerals
Minerals show various textures in the crystal. The textures include information about history of minerals; transition, crystal growth, and deformation etc. We observe fine-texture and micro-structure of minerals by using TEM and SEM, to reveal the history of minerals.
Metastable precipitation
Under a temperature and pressure condition, most stable polymorph is decided by thermodynamics. However, sometime another polymorph precipitates instead of the stable phase in nature. We call “metastable mineral” for the polymorph. Why does the metastable mineral precipitate instead of the stable mineral? Some theories have been proposed by any research, however, it is not clarified adequately. I observe textures of metastable minerals and research the process of metastable precipitation.
Key words
Mineral / Metastable phase / Microtexture
TEM / Crystal Growth / Morphology