Contributions (refereed)
Terasaki, H., S. Urakawa, K. Funakoshi, N. Nishiyama, Y. Wang, K.
Nishida, T. Sakamaki, A. Suzuki, E. Ohtani, In situ measurement of interfacial
tension of Fe-S and Fe-P liquids under high pressure using X-ray radiography and
tomography techniques, Physics of Earth
and Planetary Interiors, in press, 2009.
Nishida K., Terasaki H., Ohtani E., Suzuki A., The effect
of sulfur content on density of the liquid Fe-S at high pressure. Phys. Chem.
Minerals, doi 10.1007/s00269-008-0236-4, 2008.
Asanuma, H., E. Ohtani, T. Sakai, H. Terasaki, S. Kamada, N.
Hirao, N. Sata, Y. Ohishi, Phase relations of Fe-Si alloy up to core
conditions: Implications for the Earth inner core, Geophysical Research Letters, 35, doi:10.1029/2008GL033863, 2008.
Terasaki, H., S. Urakawa, K. Funakoshi, Y. Wang, Y. Shibazaki, T.
Sanehira, Y. Ueda, E. Ohtani, Interfacial Tension Measurement of Ni-S Liquid
Using High Pressure X-ray Micro-Tomography, High
Pressure Research, Vol.28, No.3, Sep. 2008, 327.334, 2008.
Hirao N., Ohtani E., Kondo T., Sakai T., Kikegawa T.,
Hollandite II phase in KAlSi3O8 as a potential host mineral of potassium in the
Earth's lower mantle. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 166(1-2),
97-104, 2008.
A., Ohtani E., Kondo T., Hirao N., Sakai T., Sata N., Ohishi Y., Kikegawa T.,
Aluminous hydrous mineral delta-AOOH as a carrier of hydrogen into the
core-mantle boundary. Geophysical Research Letters, 35(3), L03303, 2008.
Other contributions
Ohtani, E. and
Tsuchiya, J., Tsuchiya, T., Sano, A., and Ohtani, E., First
principles prediction of the new high pressure phase of InOOH. J. Mineral. Petrol.
Sci., 103(2), 116-120, 2008.
Sano A., Yagi T., Okada T., Gotou H., Ohtani E., Tsuchiya J.,
Kikegawa T., X-ray diffraction study of high pressure transition in InOOH. J. Mineral.
Petrol. Sci., 103(2), 152-155, 2008.
Miyahara M., El Goresy A., Ohtani E., Nagase T., NIshijima M.,
Vashaei Z., Ferrior T., Gillet P., Dubrovinsky L., Simionovici A., Evidence for
fractional crystallization of wadsleyite and ringwoodite from olivine melts in
chondrules entrained in shock-melt veins. PNAS, vol. 105, 25, 8542-8547, 2008.
Litasov, K.D., Fei, Y., Ohtani, E., Kuribayashi, T., Funakoshi,
K., Thermal equation of state of magnesite to 32GPa and 2073K. Phys. Earth
Planet. Inter., 168, 191–203, 2008.
Kurakami, M., , Sinogeikin V. S., Litasov K., Ohtani E., Bass D.
J., Single-crystal elasticity of iron-bearing majorite to 26 GPa: Implications
for seismic velocity structure of the mantle transitions zone. Earth and
Planetary Science Letters, 274, 339-345, 2008.
Shiraishi R., Ohtani E., Kanagawa K., Shimojuku A., Zhao D.,
Crystallographic preferred orientation of akimotoite and seismic anisotropy of
Tonga slab. Nature, 455, doi:10.1038/nature07301, 2008.
Kubo, T., Ohtani, E., Kato, T., Kondo, T., Hosoya, T., Sano, A., Kikegawa, T., Kinetics of the post-garnet
transformation: Implications for density and rheology of subducting slabs.
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 170, 181–192, 2008.
Lin, J-F., Karato, S., Bass,
J.D., Ohtani, E., Prewitt., C.T., Preface, Frontiers and grand challenges in mineral
physics of the deep mantle. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 170
(2008) 151
Ghosh, S., E. Ohtani, K. Litasov, H. Terasaki, Solidus of
Carbonated Peridotite and petrogenesis of Magnesio-carbonatite in the Earth’s
Upper Mantle and Transition Zone, Chemical Geology, in press, 2009.
大谷栄治, マントル物質の融解とマグマの密度:そのマントルダイナミクスへの適用, 高圧力の科学と技術, 18, 360-369, 2008.
(Ohtani E., Melting relations and equation of state of magmas at high pressure:
Applications to Geodynamics. The review of High Pressure Science and
Technology, Vol.18, No.4, 360-369, 2008, In Japanese.)
H., Shibazaki Y., Ohtani E., Suzuki, A., Sakamaki T., Ghosh S., Nishida K.,
Funakoshi K., In situ X-ray diffraction study of Hydrogen partitioning between
iron and mantle minerals under high pressure and temperature; Implications to
Hydrogen behavior at the Martian core-mantle boundary, SPring-8 User
Experimental Report, 2008A.
T., Kamada, S., Terasaki, H., Ohtani, E., Asanuma, H., Hirao, N., Phase
relation of Fe-Ni-S ternary system at the core pressure and temperature,
SPring-8 User Experimental Report, 2008A.
E., Asanuma, H., Terasaki, H., Sakai, T., Kamada, S., Sawada, N., Kondo, T.,
Hirao, N., Study of high pressure phases of iron-nickel-silicon alloy at
multi-megabar pressure and high temperature, SPring-8 User Experimental Report,
K., H. Terasaki, E. Ohtani, In situ observation of liquid immiscibility in
Fe-O-S system at high pressures and temperatures, SPring-8 Research Frontiers
2007, 3-4, 2008
Y., D.J. Frost, D.C. Rubie, A. Saikia, H. Terasaki, E. Ohtani, K. Funakoshi, T.
Matsuzaki, Preliminary in situ determination of the solvus in the Fe-FeO system
at 2-5 GPa up to 2800 K, Annual report 2007 of Bayerisches Geoinstitut,
Universitaet Bayreuth, 132-133, 2008.
Contributions (refereed)
Tsuno K., Ohtani E., Terasaki H., Immiscible two-liquid
regions in the Fe-O-S system at high pressure: Implications for planetary cores.
Physics of the Earth and Planetary interiors, 160(1), 75-85, 2007.
Other contributions (refereed)
21. Allwardt R. T., Stebbins F. J., Terasaki H., Du L., Frost J. D., Withers C. A., Hirschmann M. M., Suzuki A., Ohtani E., Effect of structural transitions on prosperities of high-pressure silicate melts: 27Al NMR, glass densities, and melt viscosities. American Mineralogist, vol. 92, 1093-1104, 2007.
22. Lakshtanov L. D., Litasov D. K., Stanislav V. S., Holger H., Li J., Ohtani E., Bass J., Effect of Al3+ and H+ on the elastic properties of stishovite. American Mineralogist, vol. 92, 1026-1030, 2007.
23. Lakshtanov L. D., Sinogeikin V. S., Litasov D. K., Prakapenka B. V., Hellwig H., Wang J., Sanches-Valle C., Perrillat J., Chen B., Somayazulu M., Li J., Hotani E., Bass J., The post-stishovite phase transition in hydrous alumina-bearing SiO2 in the lower mantle of the earth. PNAS, vol. 104 13588-13590, 2007.
24. Litasov D. K., Ohtani E., Kagi H., Jacobsen D. S., Temperature dependence and mechanism of hydrogen incorporation in olivine at 12.5-14.0 GPa. Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 34, L16314, doi:10.1029-2007GL030737, 2007.
25. Litasov K.D., Ohtani E., Ghosh S., Nishihara Y., Suzuki A., Funakoshi K., Thermal equation of state of superhydrous phase B to 27GPa and 1373K. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 164(3), P142-160, 2007.
26. Enomoto S., Ohtani E., Inoue K., Suzuki A., Neutrino geophysics with KamLAND and future prospects. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 258(1-2), 147-159, 2007.
27. Komatsu K., Sano A., Momma K., Ohtani E., Kudoh Y., Crystal structures of high-pressure phases in the alumina-water system:II. Powder X-ray diffraction study of a new dense aluminum deuteroxide, delta-Al(OD)(3). Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 222(1): 13-22, 2007.
28. Litasov K.D., Ohtani E., Suzuki A., Funakoshi K, The compressibility of Fe- and Al-bearing phase D to 30GPa. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals: 159-167, 2007.
29. Litasov D. K., Kagi H., Shatskiy A., Ohtani E., Lakshtanov D., Bass J., Ito E., High hydrogen solubility in Al-rich stishovite and water transport in the lower mantle. Earth and Planet. Sci. Lett., 202, (3-4) doi:10.1016/j.epsl, 620-634, 2007.
30. Shiraishi R., Ohtani E., Raman spectroscopic study of a granitite xenolith from Malaita, Southwest Pacific. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Science, Vol. 102, doi:10.2465/jmps.060327b.
31. Vanpeteghem C., Sano A., Komatsu L., Ohtani E., Suzuki A., , Neutron diffraction study of aluminous hydroxide d-AlOOH. Physics and Chemistry Minerals, vol. 34, doi: 10.1007/s00269-007-0180-8, 657-661, 2007.
32. Ghosh S., Ohtani E., Litasov D. K., Suzuki A., Sakamaki T., Stability of carbonated magmas at the case of the Earth’s upper mantle. Geophysical research letters, 34, L22312, doi:10.1029/2007GL031349.
33. Kudoh Y., Kuribayashi T., Litasov D. K., Ohtani E., Cation vacancies and possible hydrogen atom positions in Fe-bearing hydrous forsterite, Mg1.85Fe0.14SiO.99H0.06O4, synthesized at 13.5 GPa and 1400 degrees C. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Science, 102(5), 306-310, 2007.
34. Sanchez-Valle C., Litasov D. K., Ohtani E., Bass J., Effect of Al3+ on the elastic properties of ferropericlase at high pressure. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71(15): A873-A873, 2007.
35. Kimura M., Fukuda H., Mikouchi T., Suzuki A., Ohtani E., Abundant (Mg, Fe)SiO3 glass in shock veins in and L6 chondrite, NWA 4719. Mereoritics & Planetary Science, 42, A82-A82, 2007.
36. Kudoh Y., Kuribayashi T., Mizobata H., Ohtani E., Sasaki S., Tanaka M., Pressure dependence of u parameter in ringwoodite up to 7.9 GPa, Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 102(1), 8-11, 2007.
37. 鈴木昭夫,西田圭佑,坂巻竜也,寺崎英紀,大谷栄治,高温高圧下でのイメージング実験,PF Proceedings, 2007.
38. 大谷栄治,大規模水循環と全地球ダイナミクス.地学雑誌,116巻6号,2007.
Papers without referees:
Contributions (non-refereed)
Ohtani E., Asanuma H., Sakai T.,
Terasaki H., Kondo T., Hirao N., Equation of state and phase relation of FeNiSi
alloy to megabar pressure. Spring-8 User Experimental Report, 2007A1678, 2007.
Asahara, Y., Frost, D.,
Rubie, D., Terasaki, H., Tsuno, K., Nishida, K., Saikia, A., Ohtani, E.,In-situ
determination of solvus in the Fe-FeO system at high temperatures and high
pressures. Spring-8 User Experimental Report, 2006B1313, 2007.
Terasaki, H., Ohtani, E., Suzuki, A.,
Tsuno, K., Asahara, Y., Sakamaki, T., Ozawa, S., Shibazaki, Y., Ghosh, S.,
Litasov, K., Nishida, K., Funakoshi, K., In situ observation of liquid
immiscibility of Fe-O-S liquid using X-ray radiography under high pressure.
Spring-8 User Experimental Report, 2007A1096, 2007.
Terasaki, H., Ohtani, E., Sakai, T.,
Kamada, S., Asanuma, H., Sano, A., Hirao, N., メガバール領域におけるFe-Ni合金と含水相δ-AlOOHの反応:コア-マントル境界における水素の行方. Spring-8 User Experimental Report,
2007A1731, 2007.
10. Sakamaki,
T., Ohtani, E., Nishida, K., Suzuki, A., Yamaguchi, J., Urakawa, S., X線吸収法を用いた高温高圧条件下におけるMORBメルトとFeSメルトの密度測定. Spring-8 User Experimental Report,
2007A3709, 2007.
Other contributions (non refereed)
11. Litasov, K., Ohtani, E., Terasaki, H., Suzuki, A., Post-stishovite phase transformation in hydrous oceanic crust and seismic reflectors in the lower mantle. Spring-8 User Experimental Report, 2006B1230, 2007.
12. Ohtani, E., Kondo, T., Terasaki, H., Sano, A., Hirao, N., Reaction between metallic iron and elta-AlOOH at the core-mantle boundary. Spring-8 User Experimental Report, 2006B1094, 2007.
13. Urakawa, S., Sakamaki, T., Suzuki, A., Ohtani, E., Nishida, K., Anomalous compression behavior of MORB composition magma. Spring-8 User Experimental Report, 2006B3710, 2007.
14. Ohtani E., Ghosh S., Suzuki A., Litasov K. Terasaki H., Ozawa S., Determination of the phase boundary and the reaction kinetics of the post-spinel phase transition in the MgO-SiO2-H2O system. Spring-8 User Experimental Report, 2007A1701, 2007.
Ohtani E., Sano A., Terasaki
16. Sakamaki, T., Suzuki, A., Ohtani, E., Terasaki, H., Nishida, K., X-ray diffraction study of basaltic liquid at high pressure and high temperature. Spring-8 User Experimental Report, 2007A1095, 2007.
17. Litasov, K., Ohtani, E., Ghosh, S., Terasaki, H., Suzuki, A., Influence of water on phase transitions in forsterite and olivine compositions with implication to seismic discontinuities in the Earth's mantle. Spring-8 User Experimental Report, 2007A1701, 2007.
N., Ohtani E., Konodo T.,
19. Urakawa, S., Sakamaki T., Ohtani E., Anomalous compression of basaltic magma: implication to pressure –induced structural change in silicate melt. Earth and Planetary Science, 3-4, 2007.
1. Ohtani E. (Editor), Advance in High Pressure Mineralogy. Geological Soc. Am., Monograph volume421, 242p, 2007.
Contributions (refereed)
Sakai T., Kondo T., Ohtani E., Terasaki H., Endo N., Kuba T., Suzuki T.
and Kikegawa T., Interaction between iron and post-perovskite at core-mantle
boundary and core signature in plume source region. Geophys. Res. Lett, 33, doi: 10.1029/2006GL026868, 2006.
Hirao N., Ohtani E., Kondo T., Endo N., Kuba
T., Suzuki T. and Kikegawa T, Partitioning of potassium between iron and
silicate at the core-mantle boundary. Geophys. Res. Lett, 33, doi:
10.1029/2005GL025324, 2006.
Kawazoe T., Ohtani E., Reaction between liquid iron and (Mg,Fe)SiO3-perovskite
and solubilities of Si and O in molten iron at 27 Gpa. Phys. Chem Minerals, Doi
10.1007/s00269-006-0071-4, 2006.
Tsuno K., Ohtani E.,
Terasaki H., Immiscible two-liquid regions in the Fe–O–S system at high
pressure: Implications for planetary cores. Physics of the Earth and Planetary
Interiors, 160, 75-85, 2006.
Terasaki H., Suzuki A., Ohtani E., Effect of pressure on viscosity of
Fe-S and Fe-C liquids up to 16GPa. Geophys.
Res. Lett, Vol. 33, L22307,doi: 10.1029/2006GL027147, 2006.
Other contributions (refereed)
44. Ohtani E, Kimura Y., Kimura M., Kubo T., and Takata T.,
High-pressure minerals in shocked L6-chondrites: Constraints on impact
conditions. Shock Waves, 52, DOI 10.1007/s00193 -006-0047-9, 2006.
45. Hae R., Ohtani E., Kubo T., Koyama T., Utada H., Hydrogen
diffusivity in wadsleyite and water distribution in the mantle transition zone.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett, 243, 141-148, 2006.
46. Sakamaki T., Suzuki A.,
Ohtani E., Stability of hydrous melt at the base of the Earth’s upper mantle.
Nature, Vol.439, 192-194, 2006.
47. Sano A., Ohtani E., Litasov K., Kubo T., Hosoya T., Funakoshi K. and Kikegawa
T., In situ X-ray diffraction study of the effect of water on the
garnet–perovskite transformation in MORB and implications for the penetration
of oceanic crust into the lower mantle. Physics of the Earth and Planetary
Interiors. Volume 159, Issues 1-2, 118-126, 2006.
48. Vanpeteghem, C. B. Angel, Ross,
N.L. Jacobsen, S.D. Dobson, D.P. Litasov K.D. and Ohtani E., Al, Fe substitution in the MgSiO3
perovskite structure: A single-crystal X-ray diffraction study. Phys. Earth
Planet. Inter, Vol. 155, 96-103, 2006.
49. K. Komatsu, A. Sano, K. Momma, E.
Ohtani and Y. Kudoh,
50. K. Komatsu, T. Kuribayashi, A. Sano, E. Ohtani and Y. Kudoh (2006)
Redetermination of high-pressure modification of AlOOH. Acta Crystallographyica
Section E, in press.
51. Allwardt, J.R., Stebbins J.F.,
Terasaki H., Du L-S., Frost D.J., Withers A.C., M.M. Hirshmann M.M, Suzuki A.,
Ohtani E., Effect of structural transitions on macroscopic properties of high-pressure
silicate melts: 27Al MAS NMR and density measurements of glasses and
falling sphere melt viscosity measurements. American Mineralogist, 2007 in press.
52. Ohtani E. and Litasov K., Effect of Water on Mantle Phase
Transitions. Rev. Mineral. Geochemistry, vol.62, Chapter 17, 397-420, 2006.
53. Kitasov K., Ohtani E., Sano A., Influence of Water on major Phase
Transitions in the Earth’s Mantle, Geophysical Monograph Series 168, 95-111,
54. Litasov
K.D., Ohtani E., and Sano, A., Iinfluence of water on major phase transitions
in the earth’s mantle, Monograph, Earth’s Deep Water Cycle, Geophysical Monograph Series 168, 95-112, 10.1029/168GM08, AGU, 2006.
55. Koyama T.,
Shimizu H., Utada H., Ichiki M., Ohtani E. and Hae R., Water contents in the mantle
transition zone beneath the north Pacific derived from the electrical
conductivity anomaly, Monograph, Earth’s Deep Water Cycle, Geophysical Monograph Series 168, 171-179, 10.1029/168GM13, AGU, 2006.
56. 大谷栄治, ニュートリノで見る地球の内部,
日本物理学会誌, Vol.
61, No.6, 2006.
Contributions (Non-refereed)
20. Ohtani E., Terasaki H., Suzuki A., Tsuno K., Nishida K.,
Sakamaki T., Yu X., Secco R., Viscosity measurement of molten Fe-S-O alloy
above 20 GPa. Spring-8 User Experimental Report, 2006A.
21. Hirao N., Kondo T., Ohtani E., Ooishi Y., Equation of
state of iron to 202 GPa. Spring-8 User Experimental Report, 2006A.
22. Terasaki H., Ohtani E., Suzuki A., Tsuno K., Sakamaki T.,
Nishida K., Asanuma H., Litasov K., Secco R., Yu X., 高圧下における静滴法を用いたFe-S融体の界面エネルギー測定. Spring-8 User Experimental Report, 2006A.
23. Kondo T., Sakai T., Ohtani E., Hirao N., Sata N., Ooishi
Y., Iron-water reaction under ultra-high pressure. Spring-8 User Experimental
Report, 2006A.
24. Ohtani, E., Ultrahigh Pressure Earth Science: Applications of TEM
and FIB Techniques for Study of Core-Mantle Boundary Region of Earth, JEOL News, 41, No.1, 27-31,
Other contributions (non-refereed)
Suzuki A., Ohtani E.,
Terasaki H., Sakamaki T., Nishida K., Radiography method for the density
measurement of basaltic magma at high pressure and high temperature. Spring-8
User Experimental Report, 2006A.
Litasov K., Ohtani E.,
Suzuki A., Terasaki H., Influence of water on phase transition in olivine and
peridotite compositions with implication to 410- and 520-km discontinuity in
the transition zone. Spring-8 User Experimental Report, 2006A.
Urakawa S., Sakamaki
T., Ohtani E., Suzuki A., Katayama Y., Density measurement for MORB melts by
X-ray absorption method. Spring-8 User Experimental Report, 2006A.
大谷栄治、超高圧地球科学:地球深部研究へのTEM およびFIB 法の適用, 日本電子ニュース、Vol.38, 14-19, 2006.
大谷栄治、高温高圧の地球内部を再現する:地球内部における水の大規模循環,Aoba Scientia, No.7, 2-3, 2006.